Call Us: +2347061598761; +2348056142320

Plot 17A Trans Amadi Industrial Layout, Port Harcourt, Rivers State

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About Us

Welcome to Bref Resources LTD

Bref Resources LTD is an indigenous limited liability company incorporated by a team of experienced and professional personnel with the aim to provide quality services to the Nigerian Service Companies, Government Parastatal and Oil % Gas industry.


To play globally in the creation of world class integrated service provider which offer value for money in all aspects of our operations thereby, maintain a leading reputation as the company of choice.


To be recognized as a leading Nigerian integrated service provider company with the provision of tailor made professional services to all sectors. We do business within and outside the country.

Corporate Governance

Bref has a standard corporate governance structure. the company structure is designed to regulte and manage her affairs and also help coordinate the business activities in a professional and law abiding manner

Mrs. Vera Lawrence

Business Developer

The passion to support my Country impact possitively on the youths has engraved me over the years and improve the lives of my people, is no doubt a call to my fulfilment in life.

Born in Kakuri Hospital, Kaduna State, Nigeria, having groomed many firms as a renounced business developer, good understanding of the demand and standard of oil and gas operations, necesitates BREF RESOURCES to be.

why choose us

BREF RESOURCES LTD enjoys the services of highly qualified and experienced personnel. We have a team of highly skilled professionals with the advancements in all operations. The personnels satisfactorily and efficiently carry out their obligations and responsibilities owing to the wide range of experiences aquired in the industry.

Community Affairs & Security

The company has a Community Affairs Policy as well as a Security Policy both of which are built around leadership and commitment. Our Community Relations Policy aims at working in harmony with the host communities in order to promote a healthy, mutually beneficial relationship that would foster long term co-operation and understanding between Bref Resources, our clients and our host communities. Our Security Policy revolves around deploying procedures and programmes aimed at the protection of company assets including staff, equipment and integrity.